NACEL 2024 – What next?

Firstly, we’d like to thank everybody who attended our warm up event a few weeks ago. We’re thrilled to have welcomed nearly 300 attendees on the call. We hope you found the session worthwhile in helping you prepare for NACEL 2024. If you’d like to rewatch any of the session, you can access the recording and slides through the warm up event page.

At the moment, NACEL registration is in full swing. Data collection for NACEL will be opening on 1st of January 2024. If you haven’t yet registered, now is the time to do so!

Before participating, it’s key to understand some of the key changes that will incorporate NACEL 2024, such as a new reporting tool to easily identify improvement with benchmarking at differing system levels and quality improvement support for audit participants.

We are also delighted to confirm that we’ve increased the accessibility of the Quality Survey. The survey of the bereaved person’s feedback is now available in the 10 main languages spoken in England and Wales, as well as English and Welsh. The translated versions of the Quality Survey can be printed and handed to people to complete. The translated surveys are available here.

You can do a number of things to prepare for NACEL 2024:

  • Review the NACEL guidance notes and questionnaires, available to download from the audit guidance page of the website

  • We recommend that you suspend local bereavement surveys whilst participating in the  NACEL Quality Survey.

  • Consider whether you will implement the NACEL Quality Survey from the 1st of January, and how and when is best to communicate this information e.g., during the collection of the death certificate, via an electronic messaging system, posters, etc. Example Quality Survey promotional resources are available: poster, leaflet and letter.

  • If your organisation has a bereavement office, we recommend contacting the team for help and advice.

  • Decide whether you will distribute an online Quality Survey link/QR code, or distribute the paper version.

  • Explore whether your organisation complies with the national data opt-out and where this information is stored. The national data opt-out is a service that allows patients to opt out of their confidential patient information being used for research and planning. It is the organisation’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate patient data is submitted to the NACEL 2024 Case Note Review.

Keep an eye out for further communications to be released by the NACEL team.

If you have any questions, please contact the NACEL team here:


NACEL 2024 March Update


NACEL 2024 Registration Open & Upcoming Event