NACEL 2024 June Update

1. Participation update 

Thank you for your continued participation in NACEL 2024. Data collection for NACEL opened on January 1st 2024 and participation rates continue to increase. See an update on data submission figures below.

Reminder: Please keep sharing with the NACEL team what is working for your team and organisation in terms of data collection for NACEL 2024.

Whether you're from a large or small hospital, if you have any tips, suggestions or examples of things that are working well, we'd love to hear from you!

Email the NACEL Team to share your good practice

2. SRM and CNR data collection reminder

This is a reminder that data collection for the Case Note Review for Q1 + Q4 deaths (January to June 2024) and the Staff Reported Measure will close on 30th June.
We've had a great response rate for the Staff Reported Measure so far!
Thank you to everyone for your hard work promoting the survey to your colleagues. With two weeks left to collect responses, please keep encouraging inpatient staff to submit their feedback via the staff survey.

After 30th June, it will only be possible to add Case Note Review data for deaths that occurred from 1st July onwards so please submit as much data as possible prior to the cut off.

It will not be possible to add or edit any Q4 + Q1 reviews once this deadline passes so please ensure all reviews added to the Members' Area are complete and accurate.

3. Hospital/Site Overview data collection opens soon!

On 1st July, data collection will open for the Hospital/Site Overview and will remain open until 30th September 2024.
Please note, the NACEL team has added a new narrative question to the Hospital/Site Overview:

  • Q31: Please describe how participating in NACEL has impacted your end of life care service model within the hospital/site.

This question has been added to explore impact of the audit.

Download the Hospital/Site Overview data specification

4. Validation information

In the last couple of weeks, you may have received an email from us regarding some queries about your submitted data. If you have received an email, please be sure to update your data by the 30th June.

The Case Note Review data will be reported in the online Data and Improvement Tool (DIT) in July 2024 and will be available for other organisations to see, so it is important that your data is accurate.

You can update your data on the Members' Area data collection pages.

Click here to go to the data collection pages

5. Sign up for the next NACEL QI webinar 

Turning Data into Improvement - A focus on the needs of loved ones
and others close to the person who has died.


Register for the second NACEL Quality Improvement webinar. The webinar will take place on Thursday 25th July, 1pm-2pm via MS Teams.

We encourage the attendance of colleagues who are doing quality improvement work relating to dying in hospital and end of life care. To reach these colleagues, we have created a poster that can be shared with staff in newsletters, put up in staff rooms, etc.

Register for our next QI webinar

Download the event poster

6. DIT access and updates 

New features 

The NACEL team are pleased to announce that new features have been added to the DIT, including:

  • A function for admins to remove users who no longer need access

  • A mean average line has been added to the ‘explore view’ and the formatting has been improved

  • Answer options can be toggled between on the ‘explore’ view, allowing users to see a data breakdown for all answer options

  • The selected filters are shown on the chart, including when extracted/downloaded, so its easier to see which filters have been applied to the data

The DIT guidance pages will be updated to reflect these new features. We'll also be holding more drop in sessions in July to take users through the DIT. Please register below:

Register for 30th July, 12pm-1pm

Register for 1st August, 12pm-1pm

Many other features are currently in development, we hope to announce more soon.

An update to the DIT Terms and Conditions 

From 1st July, all DIT users will be able to view the results for all NACEL submissions, to encourage shared learning and good practice.

The DIT Terms and Conditions will be updated to reflect these changes to data transparency. The updated T&Cs will be available to review on the DIT and will be shared in the next NACEL update.

6. Further information

For more details about the National Clinical Audit programme, visit the NACEL Portal:

Click here to visit the NACEL Portal

Reach out to the NACEL Support Team at if you have any questions or need assistance.

You may have been forwarded this newsletter by a colleague.
contact us if you would like to be added to our distribution list.


Blog post: International Collaborative Summer School


NACEL 2024 May Update