NACEL 2024: Update

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life (NACEL) is currently being redesigned, with the goal of providing more frequent and timely data to organisations and facilitating the use of this data to drive quality improvement.

There will be a pause on data collection in 2023, except in organisations participating in the pilot. Data collection will recommence in 2024 and will include all NHS providers of acute and community inpatient services in England and Wales

Mental Health providers of inpatient care will be included in 2025. Further correspondence and guidance will be sent out in the near future.

The Northern Ireland Public Health Agency eagerly await the roll out of NACEL 2024 in England and Wales, before reviewing commissioning arrangements with NHS Benchmarking Network to conduct NACEL 2024 in Northern Ireland.


NACEL 2023 Pilot Underway in England and Wales


NACEL Round Four: Reporting Phase